week 17

My social media for business has improved through this course. We have been more frequent about posting on Facebook. We are trying our best to come up with new ideas to advertise. We have gained new customers and we have gained new likes on our page. Its cool to see our business grow.  I am very proud of everything that we have accomplished.

This course has really inspired us to improve our business.  I have revamped our website and made it more sleek and more organized. We have actually saved money by canceling unnecessary things on our website that we were paying extra for that we didn't need. This course has also inspired us to have our building look better and have more of our brand in our lobby. Here are some things that we have done.
1. We redid our floors out in the shop because they were stained with oil and dirt. They are now glossy and look so good. You can see them on the pictures on our instagram page.
2. We got a new window with our logo on it so you can see inside the parts room and how much stuff we stock.
3. We actually hired a new service writer because we need more backup from being busy!
4. We got a vending machine.
5. We got a display case to display my grandpas die cast cars.
6. We got 3 new loaner vehicles that customers can use when their car is being worked on.
7. We made t-shirts with our logos on them.

We have so many more ideas that we are trying to work on. But, all of these things that we have accomplished are because of this course. Looking up other businesses and seeing what they were up to helped kick us into gear. We wanted to be better and have a better business than what we had perviously. We have also gained new customers from learning how to do advertisements properly and be frequent about it.

Social media has grown into being an outlet for the majority of people. It entertains us, helps us keep up with things, talk to people, etc. Social media is engrained into our lives. That is why it is important on understanding how it works . It helps to know what people look for and what draws them in. That way you can base your advertisements and posts on that, so you can have the best post reach possible.

I will keep everything I have learned and use it for my future posts. Thank you for a great semester and for teaching me so much! It was cool doing all those projects on looking at different websites and seeing which ones looked better and were easier to use. That really opened my eye on how much a website affects your impression of a business. I also liked researching other businesses and seeing how they do things and what they could improve on. Thank you again! I appreciate this course and how it has made our business better! :)


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