Week 6 Alternate Assignment

I am not sure when I first created this page. I think it was about 4 years ago? I was on Facebook one day and I realized that all these business's in our town had Facebook pages (even a small frozen yogurt shop had one).  I asked my dad if he had one for his business and he said no. So, I learned how to create one and it has been up and running ever since. We currently have 295 likes and 288 followers. My dad and I have been posting more lately because of this class. This class even inspired him to get his floors redone so we can take better pictures and update our website. We want to have a photoshoot and update our pictures that we have on the Facebook page and on our website. This is something important because you want to catch people's attention if they visit the page. We also want to have a better looking page than our competitors. Speaking of competitors, that brings me to my next point. The three businesses I will be researching will be auto repair shops in my town. The first one is called Fallbrook Auto Works. They have not used their page in a year. Their profile picture is very blurry and their cover photo is boring. They have very little pictures of their actual building and what it looks like. They could be more effective by posting more and updating their pictures. It just lacks professionalism. I can learn from this page and their mistakes and take it into consideration when posting on our Facebook page. I am working on updating our pictures. The second business I will be looking at is called Robbin's Auto Repair. They post nearly everyday, however they get no likes on their post. They have a cover page and a profile picture that are descent and eye-catching. I looked through their cover photos and realized that their old photo had a call to action. It said call us and it had their phone number in the corner of a picture they took of a car. I thought that was really neat and I am taking that into consideration when I update our Facebook page. I think they could be more efficient in posting stuff about their business and their team rather than just facts about cars. There needs to be a balance. The last business I researched was called Village European Auto. Their cover photo is descent, it has to do with their business which is important. Their profile picture just says thank you. That shows they appreciate their customers, however I think it should be a picture of their business. Their last post was last year, so they don't use their facebook often. They could be more efficient in posting. A thing that I would take into mind when doing my Facebook posting is how Village European Auto posted about the community of Fallbrook. For example, a customer of his got to play in the Olympics and he posted about that. I thought that was really neat. We always donate to groups and churches in our town, so maybe we could post about the community and why we donated.


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