Week 8A

   I believe the only visual networks that could work for my company would be Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. I think Youtube would be a great way to show customers what we do when we work on cars. It gives them a sneak peak at what happens out in the back of the shop. It may let them feel more comfortable with someone working on their car. Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with our customers and it is an easy way to message us if they have a question. You can post pictures, videos and just statuses. It's very simple to use. Instagram would be a cool way to show pictures of the team working on cars or just of cars themselves.
   I don't think Pinterest would work for an auto repair shop because you can't really shop for items there. Auto repair shops are to fix your cars, you don't just shop around for items there. Twitter isn't a great idea for my business because I live in a small town. The majority of our customers are older and don't have a twitter. Personally, I don't even have a twitter! I have no idea how to use one. Snapchat could be a possibility, but then again we have more of the older generation customers. Plus, I could just post stories on Instagram now. I think for an auto repair shop, you want simple things. You are already feeling overwhelmed that your car is broken, you don't want to feel even more overwhelmed by various social media sites.

Here is the link to the instagram I just made


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