Week 16

I have learned a lot from this semester. I learned what a good looking website is and how important it is to have a clean, organized website, I learned how to check analytics, how to have a call to action in my advertisements, to pay attention to my competitors and see what they are posting, etc. It is neat to think back on all of the projects we have done in this class and how much we have learned.

The best social media platform that I will use in my business will be Facebook. I believe it caters to my audience more and I feel like my audience uses facebook more than any other social media platform. However, now I know how to check my Facebook analytics so I can help improve my posts to reach more of an audience.

Personally, the social media accounts that I use the most in my free time are instagram and snapchat. I just am a visual person so I like seeing what people are up to more than I like reading what they are up to. I just feel like I can keep in touch with people this way and see what they are doing in their life.  However, from a business standpoint I think Facebook and Instagram would be my best choices. It is easy for people to use and understand. Plus, you can post pictures and captions on both websites.

I will be using Facebook as my main business social media page. I will try to use it daily but I will definitely use it weekly. For my personal use, I use instagram daily. I follow funny accounts on there so I like waking up in the morning and just seeing a funny post. Its a good way to start the day! The social media accounts for business that I will not use as much will be Twitter and Pinterest. I just feel like for my type of business it is unnecessary to utilize those.


  1. How often do you plan on checking the Facebook analytics? Do you think you will use Google analytics to compare the data sets between the different platforms?


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